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Faculty Guide to Library Resources

What data is collected?

Waggoner Library Statistics

The library is dedicated to facilitating education and research by providing access

to resources and quality services for the University community. 

 For many years libraries have been assessing their resources, services, staffing, and impact on their communities. Waggoner Library collects data to ensure that we have high-quality resources, services, instruction, and spaces that improve learning, and to give evidence of alignment with our mission statement. At Waggoner we look at raw data; we analyze what resources are being used and what resources are needed. This is the guide to Waggoner Library assessment data.

What types of data are collected? 
Review library data
People who use the library Look at 2021 Library Data 
How many and what types of questions are asked Look at 2020 Library Data
What materials are used Look at 2019 Library Data

Whether they are using print or digital copies

Look at 2018 Library Data
What we borrow from other libraries and what is requested from other libraries  
How many instructions session were offered - online or in-person and the type of session.  
What preparation efforts were made by librarians for IL sessions - online or in-person  
How many books, journals, databases, searches, and what research guides do they use (and when, how, and where they use them)  

Library Homepage Views

Sept. 1 - Dec. 31, 2018

32, 373 Views

Gate Count - this data measures persons entering or leaving the library

 Grand total = 179,722 persons entering the library July 2017-June 2018.

Circulation statistics

Data represents items checked out and items used in house

August 1, 2017 - July 31,2018

LibGuides Usage

LibGuides or Research Guides are web based resources providing subject specific, program related, or how-to guidance for library resources. Below are the top six guides in terms of number of views.


   Fall 2018 (Sept - Dec) Research Guide Usage

Total for the year, August 1, 2017 - Aug. 29, 2018, equals 44, 802 views

Database Usage

Jan - Dec 2018 Top 10 Library Databases

Reference queries

These are tallied by librarians staffing the Information or Reference Desk during library hours. Data reveals the types of questions asked, the volume of questions indicating busiest day and shift time during the week. The busiest day of the week was Wednesday; The hours of 10-2 had the most questions, and Informational questions were the greatest type of question asked.

I = Informational (directions, hours, general library info);

R = Research (finding sources, citing);

RD = Research Doctoral (EdD/PhD student research questions);

T = Technology (login, browser)

Fall 2018, Sept. - Dec. 2018


Information Literacy

Librarians teach library orientations, English research sessions, course specific trainings, and resource specific trainings for tools such as RefWorks. The chart indicates the total number of traditional undergraduate and graduate student participation in information literacy sessions.