Library instructional strategies vary by topic, assignments, and professor request. In short, they are very customizable sessions.
Click on the tabs to learn more about ways library instruction using support resources can be added to your course in a way that will add value for the students.
These video tutorials cover basic research strategies such as primary vs. secondary sources, using keywords, choosing the right sources, peer-reviewed, and using filters with library databases. These could be assigned points or used as supplementary resources.
3 min sections. Self-paced. Assessments in the form of learning quizzes can be built-in. These assessments cannot be aggregated for grading.
Tutorial links can be dropped into assignments, course announcements, or emails. Right-click on the URL and select Copy link address. Then paste the link into whatever source you are using.
Academic Honesty & Plagiarism
Citation Styles and Formatting
Journal Basics
Search Techniques
The video tutorials are curated from library vendors such as EBSCO, Gale, and RefWorks. These videos are instructional, showing students how to use the resource's different options and features.
Idea for language for the assignment:
Using various platforms, students view the instructional information at their own pace. The videos can be created by librarians for specific instructional use, such as searching for scriptures in ATLA Religion with ATLA Serials or learning more about Discovery search.
5 min or less
Suggested language for the assignment:
Research guides are a one-stop location for users to find curated resources from the library and the web related to the program of study, a specific course, how-to guides, or library services. Guides include library resources specific to the discipline, using and linking to Google Scholar, citation formatting resources, Interlibrary Loan, and Contacting the Library/Help. These are created by librarians with guidance from faculty and program directors. Librarians welcome their insight.
Not sure what research guides are available? Click here to explore the various research guides. Below are examples of our research guides.
These can be created on various platforms that allow students to move through instructional information at their own pace. These have to be completed in one sitting. Strategic placement of learning questions aiding in student understanding and retention can be inserted. However, there is no way to aggregate those scores into an actual graded assessment. An assessment element would need to be created.
There are several that cover general research concepts. If you want to use one or more of these, copy the URL to paste it into BB.
Because they are self-paced, student completion will vary, but typically the completion time frame would be approximately 30 min.
A link to the tutorial can be placed in a blackboard assignment.
Idea for language for the assignment:
Documentation (handouts, brochures, step-by-step guides, etc.) can be included in your Bb courses. Documentation includes but is not limited to items such as a Step-by-Step guide, an informational brochure, an infographic, or PowerPoint. Librarians can create these or curate them from library vendors. Think about what will help your students understand a concept or research element to succeed with the assignment.
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