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Waggoner Library Tutorials

Resources provided by the National Library of Medicine

What's the difference between MEDLINE, PubMed®, and PubMed Central® (PMC)?


PubMed® is an abstracting and indexing database that includes MEDLINE and most of PubMed Central®. Abstracting and indexing means there is no full-text content. Instead, the access provided by PubMed is links to the publisher's websites and/or to PubMed Central®.

What do you do if there is no full text?

Use the library's InterLibrary Loan (ILL) service to obtain the full text of an article that is not in PubMed Central®. Never pay fees suggested by publishers to get an article reprint. ILL is a free service for Trevecca students and faculty. Click here to learn more about ILL or make a request.