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Social Sciences

Primary Social Sciences & Social Work databases include:

Additional subject related databases include:

Looking for Assessments?

Choose one of the databases below to find an appropriate assessment tool.

Looking for Journal Articles?

Looking for Journal Articles?

Waggoner Library has thousands of journals on all subjects. Most are accessible through our databases.
Typically, when searching for journal content, you would follow one of the paths below:

1. Searching by TOPIC

Begin by using Discovery Search

  • Enter your topic into the Discovery search box on the library homepage.
  • Click the 'Articles' icon and then the green search button.
  • Results will need to be narrowed down by Trevecca's library, peer-reviewed, date range, or other factors to see a list of relevant articles.
  • View the short tutorial below to understand the Discovery search.

It is important to realize that all Trevecca library databases are NOT included in Discovery Search results. You should use the A to Z Databases page; to find other resources in your field.

Choose more specialized databases using the A-Z Databases Link

  • We have over 150 databases. The A to Z Databases page lets you choose individual databases from an alphabetized title list or by dropdown subject subject choices. 


  • Start at the library homepage.
  • Mouse over Find Information on the top left of the  upper menu bar on the library homepage
  • Scroll down to select the option, E-journals by subject. This will open BrowZine, a tool to browse journal titles. 
  • Enter the subject area in the search box.  
  • You will see Trevecca electronic journal titles from that subject area in the result list. You can narrow the subject. 
  • Select a journal-title to browse the contents.
  • Articles include a link to the article, can be saved to a folder, and citations exported, or shared. 

3.  If you know the JOURNAL TITLE

  • Mouse over Find Information on the top left menu on the library homepage
  • Click the link to E-Journals by Title. 
  • When the page opens, Select the Browse tab.
  • Click the Journals tab to browse by journal title (this method quickly tells you if we have the journal)l
  • Select the letter of the alphabet representing the first word of the title from the horizontal A to Z list.
  • Scroll down to review the list of journal titles in that range.
    • If we have the journal, you may want to change to an Article search to see if we have the specific article you are looking for. 

4. If you have the ARTICLE TITLE and citation

  • Mouse over the top left menu on the library homepage and hold on Find Information 
  • Move the mouse down and select the link to E-Journals by Title. 
  • Select the Search tab.
  • Then click on the Articles button to search by article title. 
  • Complete the required information. (Article title and Journal/Publication title are all you need). 
  • Finally, click search.
  • If we have the full text for the article, you will find links to database results. Be sure you check date ranges, as many databases must deal with publisher embargoes of up to a year or more.
  • If there is no full text indicated, scroll down to select the Request Item Through Interlibrary Loan button. Complete the information on the form to receive a PDF reprint. There is no cost.

Learn more about Browzine options by clicking the link below:

Statistical Websites

Bureau of Justice Statistics

Collect, analyze, publish, and disseminate information on crime, criminal offenders, victims of crime, and the operation of justice systems at all levels of government.

Socioeconomic Indicators and Database: Carsey School of Public Policy 

Interactive Web sites providing access to socioeconomic indicators from across the nation.

Key National Indicators of Well-Being is an annual compendium of indicators illustrating both the promises and the difficulties confronting our Nation's young people.

ChildTrends Databank

Over 100 key indicators of child and youth well-being. Information provided by Child Trends, a nonprofit, nonpartisan research center that studies children at all stages of development.

Historical Census Browser

The data and terminology presented in the Historical Census Browser are drawn directly from historical volumes of the U.S. Census of Population and Housing.

Population Reference Bureau Datafinder

A database with hundreds of variables for the US and the world.
Visually explore demographic data with 250,000 data maps, hundreds of profile reports, 220 years of demographic data, 40 billion data elements and 500,000 variables at your fingertips.

Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics

The Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics, from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, brings together data from more than 100 sources about many aspects of criminal justice in the United States.

U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts United States

Provides tables, maps, and charts of frequently requested statistics from many Census Bureau censuses, surveys, and programs. Profiles are available for the nation, all 50 states plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, and all counties. Cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more are also included.le.

U.S. Geographic Summary Data and Boundary Files

The National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS) provides population, housing, agricultural, and economic data, along with GIS-compatible boundary files, for geographic units in the United States from 1790 to the present.