Films on Demand's Master Academic Collection offers streaming video of over 7,000 full-length titles in the humanities, social sciences, business, economics, health, medicine, science and mathematics. These videos are made available by Films Media Group from producers such as Films for the Humanities, Cambridge Educational, NOVA, A&E, and PBS. Unlimited, simultaneous, 24/7 access, in class or off site, is provided.
A web-based digital video delivery platform that allows you to view over 7,000 streaming videos from Films Media Group anytime, anywhere, 24/7.
DVD Resources
Waggoner Library has a collection of DVD resources. When searching Discovery you can limit your results to be only those that are DVD. Use the limit options on the left of results page to narrow appropriately. DVD's are kept in the ELC, ground floor of the library. Checkout is limited to Trevecca students and faculty.