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The video below is an overview of finding industry-related information from Business Source Ultimate, Statista, and Gale Business: Insights. |
After you have the NAICS code, choose how you want to begin your search. The databases listed below are linked in the next tab.
Industry Research Databases
Statista provides users with an innovative and intuitive tool for researching quantitative data, statistics and related information.
Provides full-text access to a wide range of news, business, legal, and reference information, including hundreds of U.S. and foreign newspapers, legal and business publications, wire services, broadcast media transcripts, and trade/news magazines. Covers 1980 - present
Use the NAICS or SIC codes to search for industry-related information
View the video below for illustration.
The following databases have advanced search options to enter the NAICS or SIC codes:
Government Sources
U.S. Industry Statistics Portal
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