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Industry Research

Company Information Databases

Company information is related to specific companies, not industries. Click the title to begin searching the database.

Trade & Industry Databases

Trade & Industry information is related to industries or trades, not specific companies. Click the title to begin searching the database.

Searching Company Info in Nexis Uni™

Choose which Method to Search for a Company

1. Enter the company name and select the 'Content Type' Companies or

2. Click on the 'Find a Company' button. 

Add Search Criteria

1. Choose to enter the company name, Ticker symbol, or Dun's number.

2. Narrow by choosing the 'Company Type.' 

3. Further narrow by geographic region.

Select the Company. Example used is Gaylord

Click the company name you are looking for to see the full company information.

Result Page. Company Information.

Use the menu list on the left for specific information. 

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