Here are our reference hours.
Ministry Matters™ Research Library and Legacy Library eBook collections are now discoverable in the online catalog!
Titles such as Interpreter's Bible and the New Interpreter's Bible plus commentaries, books on Pastoral Ministry, Christian Ministry, Worship, and many other titles can be read online!
The Reference section in Ministry Matters™ includes Bible dictionaries such as Interpreter's Bible Dictionary and commentaries including the New Interpreter's Bible and Abingdon Commentaries.
There are also sections with book resources entitled:
Biblical Commentary; Biblical Criticism & Interpretation; Biblical Studies; Christian Church; Christian Education; Christian Life; Christian Ministry; ChristianRituals & Practice; Christian Theology; Christianity; Comparative Religion; Education; General; History; Holidays; Leadership; Meditations; Prayerbooks; Religion, Politics & State; Sermons; Spirituality; and Theology.
The list above is part of the Research and Legacy Libraries index.
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