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Doctor Business Administration, DBA

Resources for DBA students

Begin your search in the library right now!


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Here are our reference hours.

Welcome to the D.B.A Program Research Guide

I choose a lazy person to do a hard job because they will find an easy way to do it- Bill Gates

This library research guide supports research and study for students enrolled in the DBA program at Trevecca. Resources include eBooks, online full-text journal articles & newspapers, statistical sources, use of RefWorks for research, access to print books, and expert research help as needed.

 Check out the Discovery Search tutorial below to optimize your research using the library's Discovery Search.  All that is required to view library tutorials is an Internet connection; don't forget to turn on your sound! For more tutorials, view the Waggoner Library Tutorials Guide. Discovery Search is a great place to begin research, but there is so much more!

Use the QUICK LINKS to:

Meet your Librarian

Start searching using the Library's Discovery Search.

Learn to use Google Scholar effectively

Be informed about the RefWorks citation manager

Request an Interlibrary Loan 

Learn more about APA Style formatting 

See search options to find Dissertations

Use LINKEDIN Learning

Dr. Prilla Speer, Ed.D, MLIS

Email Me

Schedule a Meeting

Could you benefit from a one-on-one meeting with a librarian?    

Schedule a 30-minute one-on-one appointment with a librarian to answer research questions, helping you overcome challenges often faced while doing research.

Discovery Search is how you'll look for books, articles, videos, and more from the library website. Below are short tutorials to help you understand how to filter search results to books (print or eBook formats), journal articles, videos, and more options.

Discovery is a great place to begin your research!  Use specialized databases for more in-depth research. View the links on the left for relevant database lists and the tutorials below to get started.

If you are coming to the library in person:

During the regular semester, the library is open seven days a week. Certain days and times are designated as card swipe access only. You MUST have a TNU ID to enter the library during those designated times.

  • Access to the main library entrance via card swipe will be required starting at 5:00 p.m. Monday – Thursday and all day Saturday and Sunday during the fall and spring semesters.
  • The library's ground floor entrance has card swipe access during library hours.

Doctoral Study Rooms

Doctoral study rooms are reservable. Click here to reserve a room by day and time. Then, when you arrive at the library, check in with student workers at the Library Services Desk to find out the key to the room reserved. You'll need your TNU ID or Driver's License to check out. Don't forget to return the key when done. 

Because these rooms are only short-term, personal and library materials will not be left in the study rooms after the key has been returned to the Circulation Desk. View the video below to see how to reserve a doctoral study room. 

The Technology Lending Library

If you need headphones, a laptop, charging cables, a tabletop whiteboard, markers/erasers, or ring lights for videoing, the Technology Lending Library can help. The Information Desk has these, plus many more gadgets and technology items to check out to use in the library.  Some can be checked out for several days. View more information about our Technology Lending Library here! 

Other Study Rooms

Other study rooms are reserved for 3-hour time increments.

Each room has a whiteboard wall. Markers and cleaning solution is checked out from the Information Desk

Click to reserve: Study Room Reservations


Meeting with a Librarian One-on-One

Set a one-on-one meeting with a librarian at a time convenient for you! Attach files or documents that will help the librarian with your request. Click the link below to schedule an appointment.

Click here to make your appointment.

If a convenient time is unavailable, please get in touch with us, and we will try to accommodate your needs. The one-on-one appointments can be held over the phone or via video chat options using Teams or Zoom if preferred.

Real-time Chat

Have a quick question? Use our real-time Chat service. During most of our library hours, the chat window can be seen on research guides, inside Discovery Search, and in several library databases, e.g., EBSCO resources.  Click here to begin a chat with a librarian, or use the chat box in this guide. 

Call: 615.248.1214 | Text: 931.250.4898 | Chat Email: Come visit during library hours