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Your Guide to the Library

Learn how to effectively use library databases and resources through curated and library-generated videos.


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The Waggoner Library Tutorials Research Guide

Tutorials are typically step-by-step instructions created to help users see how to use library resources and services effectively. Tutorials can be interactive or in video format. Some are created by library staff or curated by vendors. For example, on the Database Specific page on the lefthand menu, in the EBSCO section, you can find a curated EBSCO tutorial about using the advanced search feature of the database.

Get started by learning about the library's Discovery search. Discovery is found on the library homepage and is one of the primary ways you will access books and journal articles.

Explore Tutorials about:

Citation Tools

e.g.,  APA, MLA

Database Specific Tutorials

e.g.,  PsycARTICLES, Business Source Ultimate, JSTOR, Nexis Uni, Academic Search Ultimate, and other library databases

Discovery Search, Using eBooks


e.g., Creating a login, Exporting citations, and Creating a bibliography

Finding Articles

e.g., by topic or title

Research Essentials

e.g., popular vs scholarly journals, search strategies

Statistics & Data

e.g., qualitative vs quantitative, sample size

Critical Thinking Skills

e.g., causation vs correlation, false equivalencies

Special Topics 

e.g., Harvard Business Review Restrictions, Interlibrary LoanPlagiarism, or Translation tools in library databases. 

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