Here are our reference hours.
EBSCO uses the term, Permalink, for the persistent link.
To locate the permalink first execute your search and open a citation.
To copy a persistent (permalink) link to an article:
To e-mail a persistent link to an article:
From an open article, click E-mail in the Tools menu.
In the E-mail Manager, make your selections. Persistent links to articles are automatically included in the e-mail.
Click Send. A message is displayed. Click Continue.
An e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address that is entered. The e-mail will contain the subject and instructions for pasting the link into your web page.
NOTE: Only authorized users (Trevecca users) can access the article. When users follow the hyperlink from a web page, they will be prompted for authentication (TNU login) information. After authentication takes place, a search for the article number as specified in the syntax of the link is conducted. The document then displays in a format similar to the DISPLAY TO PRINT view. Users who cannot be authenticated are prompted with an error message indicating that they do not have the proper access rights for the article.