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Master: Organizational Leadership (MOL)

What is Statista? is one of the first statistic portals in the world to integrate data on over 80.000 topics from over 18.000 sources onto a single professional platform. Categorized into 21 market sectors, provides companies, business customers, research institutions, and the academic community with direct access to quantitative data on media, business, finance, politics, and a wide variety of other areas of interest or markets. 

About the data found in Statista

Wondering about the data in Statista? Find answers to the following questions and more on their Help & FAQ page.

  •  Are the published surveys and polls fully representative?
  •  Which sources does the information come from?
  •  When was the data collected?
  •  Does the data change over time?
  •  Where can I find detailed information about the data?
  •  Can I find statistics on specific target groups?
  •  Can I contribute to surveys through this website?
  •  How do you proceed with the publication of data by third parties?
  •  Are studies evaluated first?
  •  Why is it noted for some questions/surveys that “Analysis has been conducted by the Department of Marketing and Media Management of the University of Hamburg” ?

Researching further?

Please understand that [Statista] cannot offer free assistance in researching or locating data, given the high volume of requests. If you would like further research or information, [they] recommend consulting [their] Research & Analysis service. Please note: [Statista] does not offer advice for students working or dealing with SPSS software. Such consulting would lead to the empirical evaluation of student work.

Miscellaneous facts about Statista

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