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Master: Organizational Leadership (MOL)

Books, streaming video and databases relating to leadership

Leadership Resources in the Library


After you search Discovery and view your result list, filter by type - eBooks. Don't forget to filter by Library as well; choose Trevecca to limit results to Trevecca-owned eBooks. The filter menu is on the left side of the result page. To view the book, simply click the link to access it online.

Print books - If you live in the Nashville area or are visiting, please stop by and visit the physical library. We'd love to have you! 

In general, Leadership books in print are shelved in the 'HD' section, with additional titles filed by subject discipline, such as Christian Leadership titles are found in the 'BV' section, with Educational Leadership being found in the 'LB' section on the second floor of the library. 

New Leadership eBooks in the library. Click the image to learn more about the book!

Databases to find scholarly articles

Choose a database listed below to pull up scholarly articles, trade publications, and other types of journal information about leadership.

A Sampling of Leadership & Organizational Journals - Click an image to browse the journal.

Organization Development Review

International Journal of Organization Theory & Behaviour

Journal of Educational Leadership, Policy and Practice

Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies

Leadership & Organization Development Journal

Leadership Briefings

Journal of Leadership Studies

Strategy and Leadership

Leadership Studies