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HIS 3170: Latin American History

What is the Chicago Style?

This guide is based on the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS), 17th Edition, published in 2017. Following the Notes & Bibliography system.

The Chicago referencing style is in a footnote form that uses a numbered system.

This enables the reader to see the full bibliographic details of the source on the page where the reference is made. The complete list of resources used (bibliography) is given at the end of the work.


The CMOS has two systems for layout and presentation:

  • Notes & Bibliography uses a system of notes (footnotes or endnotes) and a bibliography. It is preferred for publications in literature, history, and arts.
  • Author-Date: uses in-text author-date citations and a reference list. It is preferred for publications in sciences and social sciences.
This guide presents the Notes & Bibliography Chicago Manual of Style 

A note of clarification:

  • Bibliography:
    • Heading used for a Notes & Bibliography (NB) formatted paper.
    • All the literature read on a subject but not necessarily cited in the text
    • The literature is cited in the text.
  • Reference list:
    • Not used for an NB formatted paper. But appropriate for an Author/Date formatted paper.
    • All the sources are cited in the text with all bibliographical information.

Why should you cite sources? 

  • To acknowledge other author's ideas that have influenced your work or that you have adapted to your work.
  • To support the arguments in your text.
  • To protect the 'intellectual property' of the original author.
  • To provide the readers with full bibliographic details about the works cited.
  • To avoid accusations of plagiarism.
  • To demonstrate your critical thinking skills and your ability to analyze complex information.

How do you cite sources? 

In academic writing, it is important that you cite every idea, information, or data that you have borrowed or derived from another text. In this way, you give recognition to the original author and avoid plagiarism.

Note: There are several ways which you can use to integrate the ideas of others within your text.

  • By direct quotation: directly taking the words of another author and identifying them in your text with quotation marks.
  • By paraphrasing: putting the ideas into your own words, restating their meaning, in more detail.
  • By summarizing: writing an overview of the original text by using your own words, in less detail than paraphrasing.

CMOS 17th Ed. NB Guidelines from the OWL@Purdue

Download the CMOS NB Guidelines poster