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HIS 3170: Latin American History

Database Search Tips

Searching a library database is different than searching Google. You don't want to type in "jealousy as a theme in Othello as related to Christianity."

Instead, break down those concepts... they are your keywords.

  • Jealousy
  • Othello
  • Christianity

Then, use the Advanced Search option in the database to put each term in its own box (or link the terms with AND -- "jealousy AND Othello AND Christianity"). Either option streamlines your search and helps the database know what you need!

Remember, you probably will want to select the options for Full Text and Peer Review so you can find the best articles out there for your paper!

Have a concept, story title, etc. that is more than one word? Use quotation marks to search them together, like "The Yellow Wallpaper."

Keywords not working? Try for other suggestions!

Latin American History Databases

Primary Latin American History databases include:

Multidisciplinary Databases include: