Here are our reference hours.
The TNU Writing Center - on Trevecca SharePoint |
For Undergraduate Students
Provides undergraduate students with help on correct citation formatting and any aspect of their writing, from specific assignments to general writing skills. Choose the type of tutoring service you need to request an appointment - Click now to open the URL to make a request.
For Non-Traditional/Graduate (GRAE) Student Writing Services
Although the focus of the programs provided by the Academic Services office is on traditional undergraduate students, services provided through the Writing Center are available to all students [traditional undergraduates as well as graduate and adult education (GRAE) students]. Click now to open the URL for how to request these services. | provides online 24/7, on-demand, 1-to-1 tutoring and homework help in more than 250 subjects. No matter where you are in the writing process, our rigorously vetted, expert writing tutors can provide the support you need whenever you need it. Upload Your Writing Files and Receive Feedback within a Day. Get expert feedback on elements such as grammar, punctuation, structure, flow, theme development, and citations. The expert tutors at can help you work through a tough homework problem, improve your writing skills, study for a test, review a difficult concept, and so much more!
To access, visit Use your Trevecca login to access Canvas. is located within your course on the left-hand menu under ""
Need help knowing what database to use? Or how to cite a source in APA? Or general research needs, meeting with a librarian is a one-on-one opportunity to learn more from those who know how to do research.
Click here to make an appointment with one of Trevecca's librarians. Appointments can be made for an online meeting using Teams, by telephone, or in person. If our librarians are not available at a time that is convenient for you, please contact us. We will do our best to find a time that meets your needs.
Technology Help
For library-related issues
Contact the library if you are experiencing problems with accessing databases, Interlibrary loan, using RefWorks or other library databases, using Discovery search, and other library-related technology.
Call: 615.248.1214
Text: 931.250.4898
InterLibrary Loan Assistance (ILL), Email
For IT-related issues
Contact the ITS Help Desk if you are experiencing problems with:
Your Trevecca network login, accessing Canvas, use of Word, Excel or PowerPoint, email, and other IT-related technology.
Call: 615.248.1223