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Environmental Studies (Social Justice)

Learn more about using the library building.

Studying at Waggoner Library

Library Physical Spaces - Something for everyone

Waggoner Library's physical space includes

  • A variety of seating options include round or rectangular tables, soft seating areas, study carrels, and counter seating.
  • Computers on the campus network for student use.
  • Online Interview Room for single-person use. 
  • Reservable study rooms and doctoral study rooms.
  • Library Instruction Room is a Microsoft Teams room used for library classes, including laptops for use in the classroom.
  • Dunn Conference Room 
  • Printers/copiers
  • Trevecca Thrasher Archives

Campus Services

  • IT Help Desk
  • 1901 Coffee shop
  • Mail Room and Copy Center
  • TNU Writing Center Tutors

Library Floor Plans

Waggoner Library has great spaces to get work done!

From numerous computers and individual study carrels to collaborative study rooms, we have a variety of spaces and tools for you to use.

Where can I work with a group of friends?

Study rooms are found on the main and second floors, all of which are reservable. The majority seats up to four. Most rooms have a whiteboard wall and network/electrical connections. Dry-erase markers with cleaner can be checked out from the library services desk. See below for reservation details. 

Book a Group Study Room

Study rooms on the main and second floors can be reserved for a max of 3 hours.

Click here to view available rooms, then make your reservation. When you arrive at your reserved time and find that others are using the room, ask the librarian for assistance. The rooms may be used without making a reservation, but those with an approved booking have priority. Note: Doctoral study rooms are checked out separately and are for use by TNU doctoral students only. 

  • Where can I study if I need quiet space?

The Silent Study Room, located on the library's top floor near the restrooms, is a space dedicated to independent, quiet study. A variety of seating options help to ensure focused studying. Bring your air pods or headphones if you need to listen to something. The room is open during library hours. 

  • What about printing in the library?

Students can print to the TNU-Print printers. Print jobs are released by tapping your ID on the printer. 

  • Can you bring food or drink to the library?

Food-free zones are located around the computers on the main floor and in the Library Instruction Room. Waggoner NINETEEN| 01 serves coffee, tea, pastries, and grab-n-go lunches on the main floor. A soft drink machine is found on the ground floor, near the restrooms. Be mindful of keeping your space clean.

  • What about headphones and laptops?

The library services desk has headphones, laptops, and whiteboard markers for student check-out in the library. Just be sure you have your TNU student ID handy.

  • Technology Lending Library with Stress Relief Lending items

Do you need headphones, charging cables, tabletop whiteboards, markers/erasers, or ring lights for videoing? The library has those plus more gadgets & technology to check out to use in the library. Some can even be checked out for a few days!  Need some stress relief? Check out a crochet kit, a hammock, or maybe a board game! For more information about what can be checked out, click here. 

  • Library Floor Plans

View library floor plans to identify preferred study spaces. 

Main Floor of the Library also indicates noise zones.

Second Floor of the Library also indicates noise zones.

The Education Learning Commons is located on the ground floor of the library. It is designated as a Quiet Study Zone.

The map below shows the locations and call numbers for ELC collections. 

floor plan diagram of the ELC