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Environmental Studies (Social Justice)

Find contact information to receive additional support.

Meet with a Librarian

The librarians at Waggoner Library look forward to assisting you by providing one-on-one personal assistance with research guidance, citation formatting, or other library needs.

Click here to make your appointment. 

Click here for a list of library personnel with contact information.

Contact Us

Options for getting research help include:

Real-time help via text (931.250.4898) or chat during reference hours 

Schedule a research appointment with a Librarian

Reach out via email

Call 615-248-1570 during library hours

Please note that library hours may change due to holidays, semester breaks, summer vacations, and inclement weather. Changes to library hours due to weather or semester changes are updated here.

Call or Text the Library

Call: 615.248.1214, the main library phone number, for general information about Waggoner Library or our services, as well as assistance with your library account during library hours. Messages will be checked regularly.

Call: 615.248.1570 for research needs or help with library databases during reference hours.

Text library questions during reference hours to 931-250-4898.r Archives:  615-248-1798

Email the Library

E-mail Reference Help

Questions submitted via e-mail will receive a response within one day.

    Meet with a Librarian - One-on-One Assistance!


Set a one-on-one meeting with a librarian for more detailed help at a convenient time. Attach assignment instructions or other documents that may be helpful to your appointment request.  

Click here to make your appointment.

If the time convenient for you is not listed, don't hesitate to contact us, and we will try to accommodate your needs.

Technology Help

For library-related issues

Contact the library if you are experiencing problems accessing library databases, interlibrary loans, RefWorks, Discovery Search, and other library-related technology.

Call: 615.248.1214

Text: 931.250.4898


InterLibrary Loan Assistance (ILL), Email

For IT-related issues

Contact the ITS Help Desk if you are experiencing problems with: 

Your Trevecca network login, accessing Canvas, use of Word, Excel or PowerPoint, email, and other IT-related technology.

Call: 615.248.1223
