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Citation generator tools convert bibliographic information found in a database into a citation style. You would copy and paste the generated citation into a Word doc. There are many citation tools available online. Some free websites offer citation generators; even Word has a citation tool.
Click the different database tabs to learn where to find the citation tools. Citation generators save time but cannot be trusted for accuracy.
How do you know whether what they state about APA 7 is accurate?
e.g., Academic Search Ultimate, APA PscyArticles, APA PscyTests, ATLA Religion, Business Source Ultimate, Educators Reference Complete, ERIC, Library Lit & Information Science Full Text & others.
e.g., Academic OneFile, Gale Literature, Gale LitFinder, Global Issues in Context, and more.
e.g., Dissertations & Theses Global, eBook Central, and Historical Newspapers
This video, created by Andrea Zielke, compares citation generators in four TEL databases.
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