- A -
Adams, Homer J.
---. History is Fascinating and I can prove it! Vantage Press: New York, 2008. See the library catalog.
---. Little Suggestion Book for College Students. New York: Vantage Press, 2005.
---. Reminiscences of Dr. A.B. Mackey. Vol.1 Trevecca Centennial Collection Nashville: Trevecca Press, 1997. LD5356.T72 M3 A32 See library catalog
---. Trevecca - Folklore and Tradition. Vol. 2 Trevecca Centennial Collection Nashville: Trevecca Press, 1999. LD5356.T72 A32 See library catalog
---. Wit and Wisdom for Senior Citizens. New York: Vantage Press, 2006.
Agee, Jae. Skinner School of Business
---. What Happens When Incentives Go Bad? TEDx Antioch 2014. http://www.tedxantioch.com/dr-james-agee/
Anthony, Edward C.
---. Caesar, Taxes, and Assemblies of Believers., 2016.
---. GPS for Financial Christian Living. Old Hickory, TN: Destinyslink International, 2011.
---. Introduction to DB2 SQL: Training Manual. 2003.
---. Introduction to TSO/ISPF. IBM Mainframe Series, Vol. 2, Sundog, LTD.: 2003.
---. Introduction to z/OS JCL. IBM Mainframe Series, Vol.1, Sundog, LTD.: 2003.
---. Personal Financial Stewardship. 2nd ed. Destinyslink International: Old Hickory, TN., 2009.
Appleby, Jerry
---. The Church is in a Stew: developing multicongregational churches. Written with Glen Van Dyne. Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press, 1990. [Special] BV 4468 .A6 See library catalog
---. Missions Have Come Home to America: the church’s cross-cultural ministry to ethnics. Kansas City, MO. : Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1986. [Special] BV2082.C8 A64 See library catalog
Armstrong, Brett
---. “Popular Polity? The Imposition of Elizabethan Church Discipline in the Deanery of Stottesden.” p. 219-239. In Adaptations of Calvinism in Reformation Europe. Ed. Mack P. Holt. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Co., 2007. BX9422.3 .A23 See library catalog.
- B -
Ballard, JoeAnn
---. I Belong Here: a biography of a community. Master Design Ministries, 2005.
Benesch, James E.
---. Politics of Immortality. Franklin, TN: DW Productions, Inc, 2010,
Benson, Bob
---. Come Share the Being. Nashville, Impact Books, 1974. BV4501.2 .B393 See library catalog
---. Disciplines for the Inner Life. Waco, Tex. : Word Books, 1985. BV4811 .B46 See library catalog
---. He Speaks Softly: Learning to Hear God’s Voice. Waco, Tex. : Word Books Publisher, 1985. BV4740 .B46 See library catalog
---. I Didn’t Know That! People, Places, Customs, and Things that Bind Us. With Derrick Johnson. Nashville, TN: Impact Books, 1976. E178.25 .I2 See library catalog
---. In Quest of the Shared Life. Nashville, TN: Impact Books, 1981. BV4501.2 .B3934 See library catalog
---. The Journey Home: A Walk With Bob Benson.[with Karen Dean Fry] Kansas City, Mo. : Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1997. BX8699.N38 B44 See library catalog
---. Laughter in the Walls. Nashville, TN: Impact Books, 1969. [Special] PS3552.E54 L3 See library catalog
---. Something’s Going on Here. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1977. BV4501.2 .B3937 See library catalog
Benson, Robert Green III
----. Between the Dreaming and the Coming True: The Road Home to God. New York: J.P. Tarcher/Putnam, 2001,1996. BV4501.3 .B46 See library catalog
---. The Body Broken: Answering God's Call to Love One Another. New York: Doubleday, 2003. BR1725.B435 A3 See library catalog
---. A Good Neighbor: Benedicts Guide to Community. New York: Paraclete Press, 2009.
---. In Constant Prayer: The Ancient Practices. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2008.
---. Living Prayer. New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, 1998. BV215 .B425 See library catalog
---.Moving Miss Peggy: A story of dementia, courage, and consolation. Abingdon Press, 2013. RC521 .B47 2013 See library catalog
---.Venite: A Book of Daily Prayer. New York: J.P. Tarcher/Putnam, 2000. BV199.D3 B46 See library catalog
Berry, Andrew
---. Behavioral intention and use behavior of social networking websites among senior adults (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from Dissertations and Theses Global database. AAT 10745286 (2017).
Berry, Mark D.
---. A Journey to Peace: 30 Days of Devotionals to Emotional and Spiritual Renewal. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, USA.
Bivens, Judy
---. “The Delivery of Coursework via Distance Education in a Graduate Education Program and the Impact on the Technological Competence of Students in the Program” Education in Action. 2, Fall 2004: 9-16.
---. ESLS Research Symposium: School Librarians and Performance-Based Evaluations. Weebly. http://13nov14esls.weebly.com/ AASL 16th National Conference, Hartford CT., 2013.
---. “Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences as a Factor in Course Design for Distance Education.” Education In Action. 3, Fall 2005: 1-10.
---. "Is Your Library Using eReaders?" City Educators Magazine. June/July 2011: 4-5.
---. “Library and Information Science Education Programs and Technology.” Education in Action. Spring 2008.
---.The Relationship Between Selected Tennessee Elementary and Middle School Library Media Centers and Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program Composite Reading Test Scores. Dissertation. Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN. Aug. 2008.
---. "Teacher and Library Information Specialist: Partners in Assessment" Education in Action. 4, 1-4: Winter 2006.
---. “The Library Bill of Rights and Equitable Access” Education in Action. 1, 70-81: 2003.
---. “The Library Bill of Rights and Equitable Access.” Tennessee Educational Leadership. 2, Spring 2004: 6-12. Black, Walter M.
---. A Practical Guide to Mold and the Indoor Environment in South Florida: The truth, the fairy tales and the rest of the story. American Management Resources Corporation: New York, 2006.
Blann, T. Robinson
---. “The Attack on Gabriel Conroy’s Egotism: Joyce’s Use of Seemingly Irrelevant Details in “The Dead”.” Tennessee Philological Bulletin. 43 (2006) :53.
---.A Consideration of Biblical Allusion in the First Act of the Merchant of Venice. Tennessee Philological Bulletin. 2010.
---. “Differences in Perception: a Structural Study of Emerson’s Hamatreya.” Tennessee Philological Bulletin. 45 (2008): 26-31.
---. “Dryden’s ‘Absalom and Achitophel’” University of Mississippi Studies in English. 1991: 107-109.
---. “The Fatal Ambiguity of Daniel DeFoe: The Shortest Way with the Dissenters as Failed Satiric Art.” The Researcher. Spring 1989: 1-18.
---. “Flirting with Freedom while Dodging the Censor: How Byron Got Don Juan Started.” CLA Journal. Sept. 1991: 72-92.
---. “The Goats That Got Away: A Look at Faulkner’s Goat Trading Episode in The Hamlet and Some Problems With It.” Tennessee Philological Bulletin. 1989: 38-46.
---. “Is Geraldine Really the Villain?: A Study of Ambiguity in Coleridge’s “Christabel”. Tennessee Philological Bulletin. 47 (2010): 6-16.
---. “Literary Answers To Chaos: The Quest for Order in Wallace Stevens and Nathanael West.” Tennessee Philological Bulletin. 44 (2007) :90-1.
---. Midnight of Homecoming: A Lifetime Collection of Poems. Volume 1: Once I Knew a Girl. Nashville, TN. Express Media Corp., 2003.
---. "Othello the Moor and his Self-Enchanting 'Chains of Magic.” Tennessee Philological Bulletin. Spring 2003.
---. “Philistines Extraordinaire: A Look at Fitzgerald’s Tom Buchanan and Eliot’s “Apeneck” Sweeney.” Publications of the Mississippi Philological Association. 1990: 21-24.
---. “Poems.” Publications of the Mississippi Philological Association. 1989: 1-3.
---. The Price of a Published Poem. Midnight of Homecoming: A Lifetime Collection of Poems Volume 3. Nashville, TN. Express Media Corp., 2004.
---. “There’s Meaning to the Madness of Hamlet’s Speech in the Mousetrap Plot.” Tennessee Philological Bulletin. 62 (2005): 98.
---. “Report to Nikos” and “Words to a Woebegone Lover.” Old Hickory Review. Spring/Summer 1986: 14-15,
---. Throwing the Scabbard Away: Byron's Battle Against the Censors of Don Juan. New York: P. Lang, 1991. PR4359 .B53 See library catalog
Bledsoe, Kristin
---. (2018). The generational differences in teachers' implementation and use of 21st-century technology in the elementary classroom (Doctoral dissertation). Trevecca Nazarene University, Nashville, TN.
Blevins, Dean G.
---. “Are You an At-Risk Youth Worker?” Youthworker, January/February 1997.
--- “As for Me and My House . . . Fashioning Family Covenants” 24 March 2015.Webinar.Dr. Dean G. Blevins, How family covenants can draw households together in healthy patterns that can deepen the family’s walk with Christ.
---. Between nature and grace: mapping the interface of Wesleyan theology and psychology: papers presented at the Conference of the Society of Psychology and Wesleyan Theology, held at Asbury Theological Seminary, March 29-31, 2000. San Diego, CA: Wesleyan Center for Twenty-First Century Studies, 2000. BF51 .C6 See library catalog
---. “Contagion Christians and Resident Clones: Discernment and Power in the Marketplace of Ministry” Journal of the Academy for Evangelism in Theology Education, 16 (2000-2001).
---. “David Kolb and Connected Knowing: Re-Visioning Experimental Dialectics Through a Women’s Epistemological Framework” Religion & Education. Summer 1999.
---. “Denominational Identity and Higher Education” Christian Education Journal. Fall 1998.
---. (2018). For God So Loved: A Lenten Devotional. The Foundry, Kansas City, MO.
---. "Global Pedagogy: A Table Conversation" Christian Education Journal Fall 2004: 140-51.
---. "Healing Grace and Leadership: Analytic Psychology and Community" Wesley Theological Journal. Fall 2002: .
---. "Holy Church, Holy People: A Wesleyan Exploration in Congregational Holiness and Personal Testament" Wesleyan Theological Journal. Fall 2004: 54-73.
---. “The Means of Grace and Ways of knowing: A Wesleyan Approach to Sacramental Learning” Christian Education Journal. Spring 2000.
---. “Means of Grace: Toward a Wesleyan Praxis of Spiritual Formation” Wesleyan Theological Journal. Spring 1997.
---. "On Earth as (if) It Were in Heaven: Practicing a Liturgical Eschatology" Wesleyan Theological Journal. Spring 2005: 69-92.
---. “Narrative Teaching” Worship-Centered Teaching
---. “Particularity, Community and Society” Religion & Education. Fall 1997.
---. "Practicing the New Creation: Wesley’s Eschatological Community Formed by the Means of Grace" Asbury Theological Journal Fall 2002/Spring 2003:.
---. "Renovating Christian Education in the 21st century: A Wesleyan Contribution" Christian Education Journal Spring 2005.
---. “Re-visioning Intellectual Asceticism: Scholarship, Pedagogy and the Recovery of Collegiality” ARC, 29 (2001).
---. “The Trinity and the Means of Grace: A Sacramental Interrelationship” Wesleyan Theological Journal. Spring 2001.
---. “We Are the Church: The Liturgical Construction of the Self” Doxology. 18 (2001).
---. “A Wesleyan View of the Liturgical Construction of the Self” Wesleyan Theological Journal. Fall 2003: 7-29.
---. Contributor: Dorm Room Devotions. Kansas City: Beacon Hill of Kansas City, 2003. BV 4531.3 .D67 See library catalog
Boone, Dan
---. Answers for Chicken Little. Beacon Hill Press: KC, MO, 2006. BS 2825.52 .B66 See library catalog
---. A Charitable Discourse: Talking About the Things That Divide Us. Beacon Hill Press: Kansas City, MO, 2011.
---. The Church in Exile: Interpreting Where We Are. 2013. Kindle eBook
---. Conversations on Evolution and Christian Faith. In Nazarenes Exploring Evolution, pp. 61-66. SacraSage Press: Boise, ID, 2014. See library catalog
---. Dancing With the Law. Beacon Hill Press, Kansas City, Mo: 2010. Print. Coauthor Amy Boone Tallman. See library catalog
---. The Dark Side of God: When God is Hard to Explain. 2013, Kindle eBook
---. “The Deeper Way”, a regular column in Holiness Today reflecting on the life of holiness. - articles
---. “Follow-through: Romans 12:1-2”, “The Spittin’ Image: I John 3:4-10”, “A Holy Landlord: Psalm
105”, chapters in Holiness Resources for Biblical Preaching I and II, Editor H. Ray Dunning. See library catalog
---. “Following the Manufacturer’s Instructions”, Footprints: Following Jesus for Junior Highers,
Editor Bruce Oldham.
---. Historical Themes in Spiritual Formation: Modular Course of Study, Church of the Nazarene, the
teaching and student manual for ministerial preparation in the Church of the Nazarene.
---. “The Holy Spirit: Our Soul’s Thirst”, chapter in Unseen Powers, Editor Everett Leadingham.
---. Human Sexuality: A primer for Christians. Trevecca Press, Nashville, TN, 2015. See library catalog
---. “If I Ever Pastor Again”. 2 April 2015. Webinar. Having moved from the pastorate to university administration, Dr. Dan Boone began rethinking how to lead a congregation to be effective disciples in their workplaces.
---. The Lord’s Prayer: Imagine it Answered, Dust Jacket Press, 2013. See library catalog
---. “Our Story Tells Us Who We Are”, chapter in Holiness 101; Exploring This Transforming Journey. See library catalog
---. Preaching The Story that Shapes Us. Beacon Hill Press: Kansas City, MO.,2008. See library catalog
---. Preaching: Modular Course of Study, Church of the Nazarene, the teaching and student manual
for ministerial preparation for ministry in the Church of the Nazarene.
--- The Role of the Christian University in the Church of the Nazarene. Didache: Faithful Teaching. Winter, 12: 2, 2013. Retrieved from http://didache.nazarene.org
---. “Roller Coasters and the 23rd Psalm”, chapter in Great Passages of the Bible, Editor Everett Leadingham.
---. Seven Deadly Sins. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press, 2008. BV4626 .B66 See library catalog
---. “The Way We Work: A conversation with Dan Boone on vocation and Sabbath-keeping.” thetablemagazine.org, 2016. Includes video, http://www.thetablemagazine.org/vocation-and-sabbath-keeping/50-dan-boone-on-vocation-and-sabbath-keeping-part-1
---. The Way We Work: How faith makes a difference on the job. Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press, 2014. See library catalog
---. The Worship Plot: Finding Unity in Our Common Story. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press, 2007. BV15 .B66 2007 See library catalog
---. You Say You Want a Revolution? 40 Days in the Gospel of Luke. Kansas City: The Foundry Publishing, 2018.
Britt, John.
---. Who Killed Change? Polvera Publishing: USA, 2008. Co-authored with Ken Blanchard.
Brooks, Michael D.
---. “Changing attitudes of K-8 Preservice teachers toward the middle school and middle school students.” Education in Action. 1, 8-17: 2003. Co-author with Mindy Burch.
---. “A Christian university’s challenge: The viability of recruiting the homeschooled student.” Education in Action. 1, 18-24: 2003. Co-author with Elizabeth M. Brooks.
---. “Dealing with a death at school: Guidelines for effectively dealing with tragedy.” Tennessee Educational Leadership. 28 (2), 9-12: 2001.
---. “Effects of Field Placements on Preservice Teacher’s Attitudes toward Teaching Middle School” Education in Action. Fall 2004: 17-22. Coauthor with Melinda A. Burch.
---. “A Growing Challenge for University Recruitment: Top Picks Found Among Homeschooled Students” Tennessee Educational Leadership. Spring 2004: 13-17. Coauthor with Elizabeth M. Brooks.
---. "In-Class and Out-of-Class Stressors for Graduate Education Research Students: A Qualitative Study" Education in Action. 4, 5-14: Winter 2006.
---. “A Qualitative Case Study of the Effect of a Middle School Micro-teaching Experience on the Attitudes of K-8 Preservice Teachers toward Teaching Middle School Students.” Education In Action. Fall 2005: 11-32. Coauthored with Melinda A. Burch.
Burch, Melinda A.
---. “Effects of Field Placements on Preservice Teacher’s Attitudes toward Teaching Middle School” Education in Action. Fall 2004: 17-22. Published with Dr. Michael D. Brooks.
---. “Changing attitudes of K-8 Preservice teachers toward the middle school and middle school students.” Education in Action 1, 8-17: 2003.Co-author with Michael Brooks.
---. “Hot Math: Promoting Mathematical Problem Solving Among Third Grade Students with Disabilities.” Teaching Exceptional Children Sept/Oct. 2002: 70+.Co-authored with Lynn Fuchs, Douglas Fuchs, Karin Prentice, and Kim Paulsen.
---. “A Qualitative Case Study of the Effect of a Middle School Micro-teaching Experience on the Attitudes of K-8 Preservice Teachers toward Teaching Middle School Students.” Education In Action. Fall 2005: 11-32. Coauthored with Michael D. Brooks.
Burnham, Andrew.
---. (2016). Utilizing a logic model design to evaluate a preparation program for teachers of the visually impaired (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN.
Bussell, Leigh Ann Danzey
---. An exploratory study: Faculty perceptions of online learning in undergraduate sport management programs. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education, 25. (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhlste.2019.100206 Co-authored with Willett, J. & Brown, C.
---. Managing Sport Events. 2nd ed. Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL. Co-authored with Greenwell, C.T., Danzey & Shonk, D. J. (2019).
Bustle, Louie E.
---. All Aboard for Adventure: Destination: Dominican Republic! written with Ellen Bustle. Kansas City, MO: Nazarene Publishing House, c1983. [Special] BV2848.D6 B83 See library catalog
---. Keys for Church Growth. Kansas City, MO Beacon Hill Press, c1990. [Special] BV652.25 .B8 See library catalog
---. Miracles are Happening in the Dominican Republic – written with Ellen Bustle. Kansas City, Mo.: Nazarene, 1978. [Special] BV2848.D6 B8 See library catalog
---. Each One Win One: A Complete Strategy for Effective Personal Evangelism. Kansas City, Mo: Beacon Hill Press, 2007. Written with Stan Toler.