Here are our reference hours.
Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a service we provide to currently enrolled Trevecca students and Trevecca employees. If there is material you need for your research that you cannot find at Waggoner Library, we can request it from other libraries and have them send it to us. Once the material is here you can check it out from us, use it and then return it to us, and we will take care of getting it back where it belongs! If it is an article you are looking for, it will be sent directly to your email.
Google Scholar and Interlibrary Loan
IMPORTANT: Link to Trevecca holdings BEFORE you request anything through ILL. You can get it immediately and not have to wait. Our Interlibrary Loan Service is for articles or books that are not freely available in Scholar as full text.
Follow these easy steps to request an ILL:
1. First go to the Discovery Search on the library’s website and enter the title of your book or article
2. Click on the title of the desired book or article from the results list
3. Choose Request Item Through Interlibrary Loan
4. Fill out and submit the request form
Note: Your Trevecca email address is required on the form in order for you to receive the appropriate notification when the material arrives
Turnaround time:
Books - It takes typically 5 to 7 days for the request to be completed, but plan for two weeks. Books are sent to Waggoner and you will receive a notification at your Trevecca email address when they are ready to be picked up. If you are an online off campus student, send an email letting us know you are an online off-campus student and arrangements can be made to mail the book. Generally, you can keep an ILL book no more than three weeks.
Articles - Articles are emailed in approximately 2 to 5 days. They are yours to keep.
Dissertations - In some cases a university will lend a dissertation but typically there is a fee associated with that. We encourage you to search Dissertations & Theses Global database for the title; there is a high probability that you will find the dissertation you are needing.