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Peer Reviewed
Many writing assignments require students to use "research," "scholarly," "peer reviewed", or "referred" journals. These terms are often used interchangeably, although "peer reviewed" is the clearest and most specific way to designate this type of publication.
Peer-reviewed or Refereed journals are the most important sources of information for many scholars. These journals do not publish an article unless it is recommended by other scholars/experts. Often, this recommendation must be made blindly, without the reviewer knowing who the author is.
A research article will almost always appear in a peer-reviewed journal. These are articles in which the author(s) are reporting the results of research they have conducted. They are one of several types of articles that such journals routinely publish.
Some writing assignments require finding a variety of article types from journals, magazines or trade publications.
Library databases generally have the option to limit search results to a peer reviewed journal, usually either as a search option before executing your search, or as a filter option once you have your results list.
ATLA Religion Database® with ATLASerials®
Waggoner Library provides access to these two premier religion databases(ATLA RDB® and ATLASerials®) with one-stop searching. Covering all fields of religion from 1949 to the present. They include full text of major religion and theology journals. Navigate directly to the database via the link below or view the short tutorial to familiarize yourself with search techniques
Ministry Matters™ "offers practical and immediate inspiration for preachers, teachers, and worship leaders. With thousands of original articles and blogs, unique book reviews, and weekly worship and preaching helps in our This Sunday area, provides both community and inspiration to Christian leaders." (MM website)
On the site, be sure to check out Ministry Matter's Research Library and Legacy Library for many more valuable resources in areas such as Biblical Studies, Christian Education, Christian Theology, Leadership, Prayer, and Worship, to name a few.
*Note: Ministry Matters™ is limited to 10 simultaneous users. If you get turned away please try again later.
Browse by primary source, topic, and time period - from eight (8) historical periods relevant specifically to African American history. Types of resources include slave narratives, maps, audio, and video
You can also search by keyword, i.e. 'gospel music' or 'African American music'
Explore the list below for additional databases helpful for finding journal articles and other resources relating to your program of study.
Business Source Ultimate offers access to 3,655 active full-text journals, including many peer-reviewed publications. It spans various business topics, from current trends to historical information and global perspectives. It provides researchers with essential business journals such as Harvard Business Review, Fortune, and MIS Quarterly, plus business videos from top providers. In addition, BSU provides access to company profiles and industry reports, market research reports, SWOT analyses, and more.