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Waggoner Gadget and Technology Collection

Items may only be checked out by current students, staff, and faculty of Trevecca Nazarene University unless otherwise specified.


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Here are our reference hours.


Gadget & Technology Lending Policies and Procedures

  • Patrons must currently be a student of or employed by Trevecca with a valid Trevecca ID.
  • All patrons must adhere to Waggoner Library's behavior expectations apply and checkout policies. Failure to abide by any of these policies may result in the loss of Circulation privileges.
  • Patrons accept full physical and financial responsibility for items that have been checked out to them. Items that are lost, stolen, broken, or have pieces missing will have replacement or repair fees assessed.
  • Items must be returned in person at the library services desk and handed to a library worker. These items cannot be returned via the exterior dropbox. Patrons should be prepared to wait for staff to check item condition.
  • Items will not be checked in if any accessories (wires, chargers, stands, manuals, etc.) are missing. Late fees will accrue until all items are returned.
  • Long overdue items will have a replacement cost assessed to the patron's account. Replacement fees will be removed and replaced with lesser late fines if the item is returned to the library in good condition.
  • Items may not be allowed to circulate over the extended semester or holiday breaks.
  • Patrons are not allowed to check out equipment on behalf of other people. The person who checks out the item is solely responsible for any and all fees and fines associated with it.
  • Items may not be renewed.
  • Items may not be placed on hold.
  • Items are for the use of the university community as a whole. At the library's discretion, a patron checking an item in-and-out continuously so as to effectively monopolize the item may be required to have a "cool down" period before checking it out again.
  • Items should be returned on time. Patrons with overdue items may not be allowed to check out others until the overdue items are returned.
  • Certain expensive items require signing an agreement of responsibility before borrowing.
  • This collection is meant to provide access to useful items. The library staff can only provide limited support for these items. Users are encouraged to review the manuals and look at the manufacturers' websites for detailed operating information.


Almost all items in this collection are made possible through donations to the Friends of Waggoner Library account on Trevecca's annual Giving Day! Every donation is gratefully appreciated and allows the Library to continue offering a variety of nontraditional items, as well as allowing us to replace items as needed! Outside of Giving Day, monetary donations may be made year-round from Trevecca's Ways to Give page, and specifying the donation for the "Friends of Waggoner Library."

Donations to fund laptops and their replacements are also gratefully accepted for the specific "Waggoner Library Laptop Endowment."

Physical Donations

Due to considerations like potential use, very limited storage space, library support needed and more, physical item donations are not usually requested for this collection. All item donations are subject to review. There is no guarantee that the donation will be selected for the library collection. Once an item is donated, Waggoner Library reserves the right to utilize or, if necessary, dispose of all gifts as deemed necessary. Please contact the library with any questions, but understand the library may be unable to discern in advance whether a donated item would be added to the collection.

The library does have a wishlist here of smaller items and games that would be gratefully received as new or gently used donations.

Call: 615.248.1214 | Text: 931.250.4898 | Chat Email: Come visit during library hours