Here are our reference hours.
Almost all items in this collection are made possible through donations to the Friends of Waggoner Library account on Trevecca's annual Giving Day! Every donation is gratefully appreciated and allows the Library to continue offering a variety of nontraditional items, as well as allowing us to replace items as needed! Outside of Giving Day, monetary donations may be made year-round from Trevecca's Ways to Give page, and specifying the donation for the "Friends of Waggoner Library."
Donations to fund laptops and their replacements are also gratefully accepted for the specific "Waggoner Library Laptop Endowment."
Physical Donations
Due to considerations like potential use, very limited storage space, library support needed and more, physical item donations are not usually requested for this collection. All item donations are subject to review. There is no guarantee that the donation will be selected for the library collection. Once an item is donated, Waggoner Library reserves the right to utilize or, if necessary, dispose of all gifts as deemed necessary. Please contact the library with any questions, but understand the library may be unable to discern in advance whether a donated item would be added to the collection.
The library does have a wishlist here of smaller items and games that would be gratefully received as new or gently used donations.
Call: 615.248.1214 | Text: 931.250.4898 | Chat I Email: l Come visit during library hours