Here are our reference hours.
Databases such as ProQuest and ATLASerials have limit options on result lists for Peer Review.
Use those limiters to narrow your results to peer reviewed sources. For more description and information:
Peer Reviewed
Many writing assignments require students to use "research," "scholarly," "peer reviewed," or "referred" journals. These terms are often used interchangeably, although "peer reviewed" is the clearest and most specific way to designate this type of publication.
Peer-reviewed or Referred journals are many scholars' most important sources of information. These journals do not publish an article unless it is recommended by other scholars/experts. Often this recommendation must be made blindly, without the reviewer knowing who the author is.
A research article will almost always appear in a peer-reviewed journal. These are articles in which the author(s) report their research results. They are one of several types of articles that such journals routinely publish.
Some writing assignments require finding various journal articles, magazines, or trade publications.
Databases have the option to limit search results to a peer-reviewed journal. The images below, from ATLASerials, Gale Academic OneFile, and Business Source Ultimate, illustrate where the limit options are in the databases.
Ex. ATLASerials
Ex. Gale's Academic OneFile
Ex. EBSCO's Business Source Ultimate
Browsing Journals
By subject grouping
By title words
Getting into library databases provides a richer and deeper collection of journal sources on your topic.
Primary journal databases in the area of Religion and the Social Sciences include:
Ministry Matters™ is a community of resources that includes Bible dictionaries such as Interpreter's Bible Dictionary and commentaries including the New Interpreter's Bible Commentary.
You can do sermon research with the Bible commentaries, find the perfect video to discuss with your class, select prayers and music for a transformative worship experience. But take a minute for yourself, too. Listen to an inspiring sermon, read an invigorating leadership article, or chat with other leaders about what’s keeping you up at night. (Chances are, they’ve been there too.)
*Note: Ministry Matters™ is limited to 10 simultaneous users. If you get turned away please try again later.
Below is a list of Bible reference sources within Ministry Matters.
Academic Search Ultimate is a multidisciplinary database. Many topics and aspects of religion can be searched in this database.
Watch these tutorials to understand how to use EBSCOhost databases more effectively.
Online Religion Journals