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Our eBook guide provides more details on using Waggoner Library eBooks.
Browse the following call number ranges on the shelves to find books relating to Literature:
Waggoner Library, like many other academic libraries, uses the Library of Congress Classification System for organizing books. Many school and public libraries use the Dewey Decimal System. When you look up a print book or other physical items in the library catalog (which is found in the middle of our homepage), you will get a record that looks like this:
In order to find the book on the shelf, pay attention to the availability section.
Status: If a book is here, it should say "Available." If it is checked out, it will read "Checked Out, Due _____."
Location: Main Collection (upper level), or Main Reference (main level), or ELC Collection (lower level). Periodicals, audio/visual materials, sheet music, popular materials, and items on reserve for a class will have other locations too. If an item is marked as "oversize," it is probably located on the upper level outside study room 211a.
Call Number: It helps to write this down or take a picture with your phone to take with you to the stacks. Find the labels on the outer areas of the stacks to locate the alphabetical range of your desired book.
Ranges continue across the aisle. The rows begin with As down by the rotunda/windows and end with the Zs near the restrooms.
Locate the book by reading the labels on its spine. They are arranged in alphabetical order by call number and then in numerical order within that section. The sections continue along one shelf, then down the entire bookcase, before starting again at the top shelf of the next bookcase. Sometimes, it can be hard to tell where one bookcase ends and another begins, but look for the metal divider to help with this.
If you can't find a book on the shelf, ask at the main floor services desk! We are happy to help!