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Newspaper Sources

Newspapers and newswires resources. Local, national and international papers represented.

The top ten front pages from today's newspapers sponsored by Newseum.

Click here for all front pages.

Anyone seeking permission to use or reproduce the front page of a newspaper featured in the Today’s Front Pages online gallery must contact the newspaper’s publisher directly.

U.S. copyright laws apply.

Waggoner print newspaper subscriptions

Print newspapers: Waggoner Library holds the 2023-2024 issues of the Nashville Business Journal, which is shelved in the Periodical section on the main floor. 

Types of News Sources

Newspapers - A paper that is printed and distributed usually daily or weekly and that contains news, articles of opinion, features, and advertising. Newspapers can be found in several databases including Gale OneFile: News and Academic Search Ultimate. Specific newspaper databases are linked below. You can also open the Local Newspapers page or other pages in the guide to the left for more newspaper resources.
Newswire - News that comes from a news agency that sends out syndicated news copy to subscribers by wire or by satellite transmission. Examples: AP (Associated Press) or Reuter's. Use the links below to peruse and search. You can also find newswire citations in Academic Search Ultimate and Gale Academic OneFile.
Trade Publications - Trade publications are targeted to a specific group of users in an industry or profession. Typically these are not peer-reviewed but incorporate trends and news relevant to that field. Most databases provide a limit or filter option to 'trade magazines' or 'trade publications'.

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